How To Have A Life Outside Of Work

Sis, There’s More To Life Than Work… 

Black woman in business are overworked and underpaid. It’s not that easy to have a life outside of work in our society, but it can be done. The first step is recognizing the problem by knowing what causes this issue: lack of legislation, less social interaction with people face-to-face as opposed to online messages or phone calls, obsession with electronic devices (e.g., smartphones), and busy schedules we keep because everyone else does too!According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)Trusted Source, Black women have a life expectancy that’s 3 years shorter on average than white women, and some of the root causes may be related to stress.The effects of stress and lack of work/life balance are literally killing us! So though it will take some effort, be encouraged, you got this!

How To Have A Life Outside Of Work

Consider these tips:

1. Free up your time

One of the obstacles most people face when attempting to create an active and fulfilling life outside of work is time.

  • They’re just too busy to get out of the house. Or they feel so overwhelmed by their lives they can’t quite seem to work up the mental energy to interact with the world any more than they already are.
  • Make time for what really matters to you.

2. Follow your interests

What do you like to do? What interests you? You’ve already put in a hard day at work, so it’s time to enjoy yourself.

  • Forget about impressing others. How do you want to spend your free time? Do you want to go dancing? Or would you rather play cards? Maybe you’d like to learn to ride a motorcycle or become a black belt in karate.
  • Avoid the urge to just be social. You can be social while doing something you love. Or, maybe you like spending time by yourself but want to do it in a more meaningful way.

3. Be likable

If you want to do more things with people, work on being more likable. That doesn’t mean you have to give your personality a complete makeover, but everyone has a few traits that could use a little polishing. If people like you, they’ll want to include you in more activities.

4. Unplug

Stop wasting your time on the big timewasters: the internet, your phone, the TV, and video games. You can find other things to do that won’t leave you feeling empty and annoyed that you wasted so much time.

5. Ask others to spend time with you outside of work

Be proactive and ask a few people to do things with you. Ask someone to go for a hike. Ask your coworkers out for a drink. Go shopping. Go out of town for the weekend.

  • There are a lot of bored people in the world that would love to get out of the house!

6. Reconnect with old friends

It’s common to lose track of your friends over the years, even friends that live close by. No one ever said that you can only speak to them once a year. Pick up the phone and reach out to them.

  • You can even meet for a Zoom chat once a week and share your lives or play a game together online.

7. Make a schedule

By the time you go to bed on Sunday night, try to have plans to do something outside of work at least once over the next week. Create plans and put them on your schedule.Work is important, but it’s only one aspect of life. A balanced life includes meaningful activities and socializing outside of work.If you're a Black woman or woman of color, there are still many hours in the day after subtracting work and sleep. How will you spend these valuable time slots? You can begin to build your wonderful life outside of work by starting from scratch with some simple steps:-Spend quality time on yourself (whether that's taking care of your health or investing in art)-Find an avenue for creativity - whether that is writing poetry or painting landscapes-Explore what makes YOU happyCONNECT WITH ME AND OTHER WOMEN LIKE YOURSELF IN OUR CEO CIRCLE! LET’S GET REAL. LET’S GET BALANCE. LET’S BUILD WEALTH-- TOGETHER


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